A Loki in War Robots has the skill “Shapeshift,” allowing it to switch between two modes: Assault mode and Recon mode. This unique ability lets the robot choose between being invisible or gaining firepower. In Recon mode, Loki becomes invisible, making it hard for enemies to target and hit it.
When in Assault mode, Loki sacrifices its invisibility for increased firepower. This mode is useful for direct combat, allowing the robot to deal significant damage. Switching between these modes strategically can help players adapt to different battle situations effectively.
Shapeshift offers continuous invisibility in Recon mode, making Loki a great choice for sneaky maneuvers and capturing beacons unnoticed. On the other hand, Assault mode is perfect for engaging enemies head-on and contributing to the team’s firepower.
This dual-mode capability makes Loki a versatile robot in War Robots, providing both stealth and attack options. Players can maximize Loki’s potential by mastering the timing and use of its Shapeshift ability to outsmart opponents and control the battlefield.