To refund Roblox purchases, start by checking if the item is eligible. Roblox only refunds items taken down by moderation. If your item meets this condition, proceed to the next steps.
Gather all necessary information, including a list of charges by date and amount, your billing name, and the last four digits of the Credit/Debit Card used or Google Play purchase numbers. Having these details will help Roblox support process your request efficiently.
Contact Roblox support with the collected information. Clearly explain why you need a refund. Be honest in your explanation to avoid risking your account.
Finally, wait for a response from Roblox support. They will review your request and issue a refund if the item is eligible. Refunds are not available for accidental purchases, lost or unused items, or items you no longer like. Always read item descriptions and use the “try on” feature before buying to avoid unnecessary purchases.