To insert hats into Roblox Studio, you can use a plugin or a command in the command bar. One popular plugin is **EasyInsert: Dress NPCs And More**. This tool helps you import hats and accessories into your game. You can easily dress up your characters with items from the Roblox catalog.
Another useful plugin is **Insert Asset**. This plugin also allows you to bring hats and other assets into Roblox Studio effortlessly. Both plugins are user-friendly and simplify the process of adding new items to your game.
If you prefer using the command bar, start by getting the Asset ID of the hat you want. You can find this ID in the Roblox catalog. Then, type `game:GetService(“InsertService”):LoadAsset(AssetID).Parent = game.Workspace` in the command bar. Replace “AssetID” with the actual ID of the hat you wish to import.
Both methods make it easy to bring hats into Roblox Studio. Choose the one that you find more convenient and enjoy customizing your characters with stylish hats!