To hide your village from attack in Coin Master, you can use “Ghost Mode.” This makes your village invisible to other players and reduces the chances of raids. Here’s how to activate it:
First, exit the Coin Master app. Open your Facebook account and go to your account settings. Look for linked or connected apps and websites. Find Coin Master and remove or delete it. Then, close Facebook.
Next, clear the cache of your Coin Master app or restart your device. Open the Coin Master app again and play in guest mode. Make sure not to link your Facebook account.
Using Ghost Mode helps you play without being visible to friends or other players from your linked social network. This significantly reduces the number of incoming raids. However, keep in mind that other players can still attack your village even when Ghost Mode is enabled.
By following these steps, you can enjoy a more peaceful gaming experience in Coin Master. Avoiding raids allows you to progress in the game without constant interruptions.