To get out of first person mode in Roblox, start by checking the CameraType and CameraMode settings. Ensure that both are set to `Enum.CameraType.Classic` and `Enum.CameraMode.Classic` respectively. This allows you to switch to third person mode easily.
Next, adjust the CameraMinZoomDistance. Set it to a higher value to prevent zooming into first person. You can do this using a server script by setting `plr.CameraMinZoomDistance` for each player, or directly for `StarterPlayer`.
After switching to third person, set `userInputService.MouseBehavior` to `Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter` to lock the mouse. Sometimes, this might need to be done after a short delay to ensure the camera has finished zooming out.
It’s also important to check for any interfering scripts. Ensure that there are no scripts or GUIs forcing the camera into first person mode. Remove any suspicious scripts or models that might be causing the issue.
If you’re still stuck in first person, try using the “I” and “O” keys to zoom in and out manually. This can help you regain control over the camera and switch out of first person mode. By following these steps, you should be able to enjoy Roblox in third person mode again.