To get Iron Ore in Roblox’s The Survival Game, start by exploring the Desert Cave. Find the giant cave with a marble structure at its entrance. Take the left path and turn left again when the path splits. Follow the path above to find Iron Ore at the top.
Another spot to find Iron Ore is the Stream Cave. Look for the stream of water between two giant Spartan statues. Head into the cave on the left side and stick to the right path. You will find six nodes of Iron Ore there.
Additionally, you can search the Jungle Caves for Iron nodes. These caves are near the jungle area. However, they are not the best places to farm Iron Ore.
Iron Ore nodes are easy to spot by their grey blocks on a rock structure. They have a lot of health, so use at least a Copper Pickaxe to mine them. Sometimes, you may need to mine a giant boulder before reaching the Iron Ore inside the caves. Be ready to fight groups of players who may block off these caves with walls.
Once you have over 20 Iron Ore, you can craft an Iron Smithy. Use Bricks and Copper Nails to make it. An Iron Smithy lets you craft Iron armor, weapons, and tools. It’s best to have enough Iron Ore before making an Iron Smithy.