To find the LeHtoo Statue in PLS DONATE, follow these easy steps. First, you need to donate at least 1,000 Robux to access the Secret Donators Area. Once you’ve done that, walk around the map until you find a small painting or poster.
Next, walk up to the painting or poster and hold the “E” key to teleport to the Legacy map. In this new area, look for a vent. Approach the vent and hold “E” to enter it, but only if you meet the donation requirement.
Inside the vent, you’ll find a small statue on the floor. Interact with this statue to earn the LeHtoo Statue Touch badge. This badge is a special reward for your efforts and donation.
By following these steps, you’ll successfully find the LeHtoo Statue in PLS DONATE. Enjoy your new badge and happy exploring!