To draw Dynamike from Brawl Stars, follow these steps:
Draw the Hat: Start by sketching the bottom edge of the hat with a curved line. Round out the sides and connect the top with a similar curve. Add a large circle on top, leaving an even space around the edge.
Add the Face: Draw two straight, angled eyebrows. Underneath, add oval shapes for the eyes and small ovals for the pupils.
Draw the Body: Sketch the arms, curving them out and up. Add the sleeves from the inside of the arms. Draw the outside edge of the barrel behind the body.
Add the Legs: Start with a short line from the side of the leg, curving it behind the arm. Continue the line behind the head.
Add Final Details: Draw the cuff of the glove from the wrist, stepping in and back out. Add the shirt sleeves and the outside edge of the barrel behind the body.
By following these steps, you can create a detailed and accurate drawing of Dynamike from Brawl Stars.