To become invisible in Roblox, you need to use specific bundles and items. Start by equipping the Nick Base Bundle on the torso, left arm, and right arm. This bundle is crucial for achieving full invisibility.
Next, choose either the Magma Bundle or Stick Bug Bundle for the legs. The Stick Bug Bundle is a cheaper alternative but works just as well. To complete the look, wear the Black Fancy Prom Dress and the Simple Black Cloak Cape.
For complete invisibility, you need a Headless Head. This item can be pricey but is necessary for full invisibility. Alternatively, you can use other heads like the Dynamic Heads, which are more affordable.
There are also glitches that can make your avatar fully invisible. For example, combining the Giant Teddy’s Suit with certain dresses can cause invisibility. These glitches can be a fun way to achieve the invisible look without spending much.
By following these steps and using the right items, you can achieve full invisibility in Roblox. Enjoy your invisible adventures!