To appear offline on Roblox, follow these simple steps. Start by accessing your settings. On a desktop, click the gear icon, and on mobile, tap the three horizontal dots. Next, select “Settings.”
In the settings menu, navigate to the “Privacy” section. Adjust your privacy settings by setting all drop-down menus to “No one.” This includes options like “Who can message me?” and “Who can chat with me in the app?” Also, change “Who can join me in experiences?” and “Who can see my inventory?” to “No one.”
To further ensure your offline status, customize your communication settings. Make sure all forms of communication are turned off. This will prevent any interactions from other users.
By following these steps, you will effectively appear offline on Roblox. Other users won’t see your online status or be able to interact with you. This method keeps your gaming experience private and uninterrupted.